Letter Project Reflection

Reflection For Letter Project

1) Describe your process when creating your letter project. How was the process helpful or not so helpful to you?  

My process for my letter project was a little tedious at moments but consisted of creating different types of designs that would help enhance the letter of my choice which was the letter V. I needed to create twenty separate thumbnails before narrowing down to only two designs. Next after creating some initial drafts of my designs, they were reviewed by people in my graphic design class.

Despite some tedious moments, my process really helped me put together my letter design project because when I first heard this project, I was so sure what I wanted to do. I didn't care if the design did not make sense, I was willing to try it. Yet with each draft and having people I knew and now knew see my work, I realize some designs did not work and I was so focused on my own vision I was a little blinded. Oh the irony.

I got really nice feedbacks that praised not only my original desired design but also did point out flaws in it. They were constructive and helped me eventually figure out my design and put it on paper. I think another tedious and nerve wreaking part of the project was timing and also focusing on not ruining my final project paper. It was really nice paper. However these worries helped me focus on time management and being neat with my final.

2. How did you arrive with your concept/idea for your letter?  How did you represent this concept visually in your design? (Give 2 examples) What was the most challenging aspect of this project for you? 

My idea for my concept (letter V) came from my name. The letter V is the first letter of my last name so in a way, the letter gives me a sense of identity. The visual aspect of the letter of the pair of linked hands came from my own interpersonal relationships with the people around me. Although most of the time I am confident that I can take on the world alone, I need a hand of someone I care about to guide me, to be sure I don't stray off path because of my emotions. The letter V represented a concept of identity and interpersonal relationships because when I think of my identity, I think about the people that helped guide me and helped shape me to become who I am. However my original idea that I was determined to do was an open book. It was suppose to represent how my identity is closely linked to knowledge and also represent how I view my life similar to a book/novel. The book was suppose to be filled with quotes of some authors that I believed followed my own views on life but it could have been left blank to represent my belief that my story is still being written and the book is waiting to be filled.

3. What was the most challenging aspect of this project for you? Why? 

The most challenging aspect of my project has to my stubbornness because I created my final near the end of my project. The beginning and the middle of my project was marred with my stubbornness of focusing only one particular design that I did not try or attempt other design until later in my project when I realize my original desire was not efficient.


4. Are you satisfied with your project? Explain your answer. 
Yes I am satisfied with my project because I think it did convey what I want it to convey. It might not be the most creative or beautiful but I am happy that I managed to express myself through art. I have a hard time with self expression so although my project might have some flaws, I feel satisfied with it.

5. If you can change anything about your design, what would you change or do differently?

If I can change anything about my design? I guess I would say I would probably try to convey the idea using different mediums such a photographs and collages. It would be nice to see how different my concept would look if I just changed the materials/mediums. If I could do my design again, I would want to explore my options more and to experiment. Also after a class discussion I realized I should have no used such bold colors for the bodies of the people in the image. It made my letter into a M rather than my intended letter which was a V. So I would have either removed the other body parts or lightened the colors to avoid confusion.




  1. I know that in class people mistook your design as an M, yet in the early sketches that you posted I can see the V shape that you were trying to convey. In that sketch, the arms were larger and more the main purpose of the sketch and drew away from the bodies while still leaving them in. It's just an interesting thing that I noticed. However, in the end it was a nice project and the meaning behind is very sweet.

  2. Hi Alice!! Your drawing abilities are growing as I type, and I can't wait to see your next project. I know that coming up with ideas and executing it is hard, but you will succeed!!! I believe in you!!

  3. I really like the design but I guess the uniform background made people think it's a M rather than a V. I think if you color the background that form the V a different color or design, it will distinguish the letter V more clearly. Also, you can add more bracelets or other accessaries on the wrists of the arms to enhance it.

  4. Haha I love the gifs here. You need to show me how to do these things... But I really like the concept of your drawing, and how you made the hands into a V (even though I was one of the people who thought it was an M). But otherwise I like how it's a pretty realistic drawing.

  5. I definitely see the relationship part of the concept in your design. It's such a unique idea since I think that most of the time, people would just think of things that would start with V or relate to it in a literal way. Your design gives me the feeling that you're the type to think deeper, which is something that I admire. One suggestion I have is to go bolder with the color intensity in the arms so that you can draw attention to the right subject. Otherwise, great job! c:

  6. I'll be honest; I kinda thought it was an M and not a V... If you wanted to include to bodies, you could probably have colored them more lightly, as to make it less visible. Or because the arms are lightly colored, the background could be darker, as to bring out the arms more and to conceal the bodies.

  7. I was like "its a v" but my friends said its a "m' so i was easily convinced. try to blend the body part into a dark background and lighten up the arms to make it look pop out

  8. I love your design, especially the amount of details you put into it (ie: the watch, the nail polish, the knuckles etc).However, I know you originally had a different design which used the edge of the book as the representation of the letter v. I liked both ideas but was just wondering why you chose your current one over the book.

  9. First of all, you designed your blog very well...but about your letter project, I could see it as 50/50 a m and v. I saw the v at first actually but then peope pointed out it was an m. i still love your design though and its very detailed. great job

  10. Setting the gifs aside, I think this design was probably the most inspirational and motivating to me. It brings me a sense of togetherness and community and fits the idea of interpersonal relationships well.

  11. This concept is cool but your letter seem a little confusing, you should have color the body and the darker lighter and then the arms darker.

  12. I love how you took holding hands, something that's often overlooked, and emphasized the natural letter shape it makes. It was very unique because of natural feel



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