Finding Type

Hi guys! I'm back!
But yea I had homework to do and it was to find Type around me. 
So this is gonna be a post about Type!

Now that you know more about the different typeface categories
(Oldstyle, Modern, Slab Serif, San Serif, Script, and Decorative),
Find these 6 typefaces in the real world.
Ex. Signs- Store fronts, parking signs, directions, etc. Take a photograph of the different typefaces you see around you and upload onto your blog.
You must identify which category the type is under.
  • Where and what was the type used for? 
  • Do you find the typeface to be appropriate for its purpose?

This image was taken at the lobby of my school. I thought the type used to make this sign was San Serif because it does not seem decorative or does it used the feet found in Slab type. It was relatively simple in design which I think can be a good or a bad for the sake of the purpose of the design. I thought that since it was to communicate something that was semi- important, maybe it could have taken on a more decorative design but the upside to this simple design is that it can be taken more seriously especially with the boldness of the type. 

This is a picture of the delivery truck that I see a lot outside of my school. I thought it was a decorative type because it looked like a type that is made from stamping letters individually and there was a cut between letters. It served its purpose because the sole purpose of the letters was to advertise the restaurant so it worked because it is very eyecatching.  

This is an old picture I took when my school finally switched out the old computers for new ones at the printing station.  I think this type is slab serif because it does have the feet at the end of most of the letters but I feel it has a sense of modern type face because if you cut a line through each of the letters, the thickness remains consistent on both sides of the letter so although I think is a slab serif font, it does have a touch of modern typeface. I think it serves the purpose well because the person who created this was probably trying to be quick and communicate a message so this was a good way of being eyecatching and direct (since it isn't complicated to read). 

This is the sign of Leo's Bagels but I focused on the word "Leo's" I thought it was really nice because it is a decorative font and is very eyecatching to people. It serves the purpose of being a very fun and good looking font that makes the restaurant seem friendly and not overly fancy. 

This is from Au Bon Pain, I passed it when I was heading home and I identified this font as script because it resembles someone's handwriting. It is very nice and looks very pretty. I think it serves it's purpose of contrasting the type above it by looking less blocky and more elegant. A nice type overall. 

So this last one I took when I was watching T.V and this ad happened to come on. I am very sure it is a a decorative type and I think it is very good at communicating the idea because it is a design of a knitting design and it makes sense because it is winter time. 

I'm sorry for the long post guys, bear it with me. 

But bye bye for now.


  1. I agree with the first one yet I think that overall simple type is good for informative purposes. Also in case of a fire which can cause panic, a more soothing type could help to send a clear message and make people think about their actions.

  2. I think the text in the computer looks more like modern than it does slab serif because there does seem to be some degree of varying thickness

  3. I like your gif choices :c
    And I agree with Celine that it would've been better to use a more soothing typeface for the fire sign.



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- new template ^^

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