Five Book Covers

Okay now for my second part of my book cover assignment!
Look through and pick 5 book covers that catch your eye- save the photos on to your desktop.
Post the photos of the 5 cover designs and write what you like about each one.
Try to be specific. Do you see the design concepts and components like Typography, Images/Graphics, Proximity, Alignment within the work?
Think about why you were drawn to this book cover. What made you take a closer look? With the 5 you chose, what are some common characteristics between them? What are the differences?
Note: The Covers I'm about to show you are NOT my creation! They belong to the artists that created them.

OIL by Pollen
There Once Live A Woman Who Tried To Kill Her Neighbor's Baby by Christopher Brand
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men by John Fulbrook III
Breakfast at Tiffany by Megan Wilson
Invisible Monster by Rodrigo Corral

** All covers were taken from

OIL by Pollen
I really like this one because the type is handwritten but also seem to be oil sots on a piece of paper so I think it already communicates the idea of what the book is about so I thought it was interesting. All the letters are aligned and seem to take up the same amount of negative space. The spaced between each letter are well planned and this plain cover actually makes me want to pick up the book just to find out what is really about but it is probably about oil. Still, it is a cute font. 

There Once Live A Woman Who Tried To Kill Her Neighbor's Baby by Christopher Brand
Okay I love this title, it really caught my eye and made me laugh before causing me to pick it because the thin type which looks hand written contrasted against the bright red background which caught my eye. The words are not very aligned but it seems to make sense since the book is about fairytales so I thought this lack of order is interesting. It looks very child like so I chose this cover. I like how the image they used seemed so serious compared to the words which made the title stand out more. 

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men by John Fulbrook III
Okay this cover made me laugh a lot too when I saw it because I thought the image just made sense with the cover design! Cause whenever we look in cartoon, you always see people put paper bags on their heads to show that they don't think they are very handsome or beautiful so in a way, that image is iconic and is something you can associate with. The spaces between the rows of letters are also aligned very well even though the cover itself is not symmetrical.

Breakfast at Tiffany by Megan Wilson
I honestly loved this cover mostly because I have seen the movie- and the main character played by audrey hepburn has always seemed to me a very elegant and beautiful lady so I thought the font used to write the title as really nice and beautiful. I also like how it is a hand of a lady so you kind of assume the story is gonna be about a beautiful woman. Despite the title being placed in a strange spot with the pages ripped, it seemed to be perfectly centered in the area which was something I liked about the cover.

Invisible Monster by Rodrigo Corral
Okay I love this cover, one of my favorites of this bunch of covers mostly because it is very... I don't know, shocking? I like how the cover is mostly black and white but then you had this splash of color on the page which drew my eyes in on it like a focal point so I really admired that choice by the designer. It could also bring up a main theme of the novel about freedom of speech which is interesting and makes me want to pick the book up and read it. Everything was aligned pretty well which I like a lot and it was just a simple design but some say less is more and this has to be one of the cases.


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