Portrait Transformation Project

Okay enough with goofs- 

Hi so I haven't really like posted on this blog for a while but it's because I have been involved in my newest mini project in graphic design class, it is to take a picture and transform it. I was a little wary of this project because I didn't know if it would go as well as I planned. But here we go!

Okay so this a picture of myself that I took for this project. So fabulous. Not really. The other images are what I used to fully transform my project and convey the concept I wanted to do. 

My Concept: It was sorta like about how I personally think that people are actors and their lives are always on stage because their actions can always be judged or watch. The puppet strings represent predestined fate or lack of control over the rollercoaster that is life. I posed that certain way because I don't think the idea of lack of control is a bad thing and that even if there are things you can't control, you shouldn't let that bring you down and make you depressed. pffft it's not like the rest of my other picture looked weird or were unusable.

Now drumroll please-
Ta da, my final!!

I think over all it was successful, just I'm not sue if it was transformed perfectly because the colors and lighting was a problem for me. 




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